Gift Guide- For The Host

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Is anyone else equally confused that Christmas is next week?!? Where has time gone you guys! While this is a gift guide for the host, there are also tons of ideas that can be found on Amazon, or purchased last minute.

1. Instant Camera- Comes in several colors, and so fun to have at parties!

2. Bottle Stopper-A perfect stocking stuffer. The one I listed is under $20, and there are other options that are even cheaper

3. Cheese Board-Who doesn't love cheese?!? With cheese at  a party comes a cheese board. This one is around $50, and has a drawer on the bottom to store cheese knives

4. Shaker With Recipe- This is a cute take on a traditional shaker. This shaker can be turned to display recipes to tons of drinks!

5. Chambong - This one is more of a gag gift. Nick got me a chambong a few years ago as a gift as well, and I love it, so I would definitely recommend this one to a friend that loves to have a good time.

6. Telestrations- Who doesn't love game night? A friend that loves to be a host, most definitely has a collection of games. Telestrations is my all time favorite game right now, so if your friend doesn't have this one already, buy it to add to their collection. Along with the traditional version of the game, it also comes in an adult version as well.

7. Wine Charms- Another great stocking stuffer. There are tons of options here too. I linked one that could be a gag gift, and one that is cute and colorful.

8. Premade Cookie Jar- These are under $10, and great for the friend that likes to bake for their guests. It would be cute to add some sort of cooking tool (rolling pin, cookie sheet, spatula) to this gift.

9. Beats Speaker-A higher price point gift. This speaker is portable, so it can be brought into any room or on the go. These are great to bring to the beach or park.

10. Candle- The classic gift that everyone enjoys

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